A week ago my pastor's wife asked me if I had ever read the book "Heaven is For Real". I told her I had seen the movie but never read the book. She handed me the book and told me I had to read it. She then went on to explain there was a "catch". Once I was done with the book I had to pass it on to someone else, as a saint challenge. I just finished the book. One word: amazing! The movie didn't do this book justice. Some parts of this book gave me chills. It opened up my eyes to a lot of questions that I've always had. I've believed in God for as long as I can remember. As I have grown older my faith "intensified", or so I thought, until I read this book.
In the book after Colton had his experience he constantly told his parents about his experience in heaven. He was matter-of-fact with each revelation. How awesome is to know that there is Someone greater than us who already has our lives planned. A wonderful life if we just accept Him. Go to Him dirty and let him cleanse us? One part of the story a rainbow appears in the sky. Colton's parents call him outside to see it and he says "cool, I prayed for it last night". WOW! He prayed for it and got it. The Bible tell us that we have not because we ask not. So why would we not ask God for something, believe He'll give it and don't think twice or worry about it?
I just told God that I wanted a God fearing husband to complete our family. Instead of going out to look for him, I will let God answer that prayer. I believe that He will send him to me. I can't wait!
When we are younger we tell our parents we are hungry and expect them to feed us, without worry. We ask for things we want, without worry. We went to sleep and woke up, without worries. We went throughout our day- without one single worry. Why is as we grow older and our faith grows we lose that worry free faith? Child-like faith. If you haven't read this book I highly suggest you go get it. savor it. The one I read has a guide at the back that I want to devour, however I am passing the book a long to one of the ladies in my class who told me a story of child almost dying while she was driving home one night. She had to stop her car and pull over giving him cpr in the backseat while his little body turned purple and cold. It brought tears to my eyes. Lucky for her, her son recovered. Three weeks later I was given this book to read and pass along... That's God for sure!
I'm going to buy the book for myself, as well as for my son so we can read it together and both learn to have (and keep) that unwavering child like faith in the Lord.