I came across a blog written by Jarrid Wilson (I love his blogs!) that talked about characteristics you should want in a man. Jarrid says in this particular blog "God didn’t create you to settle." Which is something I refuse to do- especially in relationships.
Here are the 23 qualities Jarrid had in his blog (blue), with a twist from me (the pink):
1. He loves God. The Bible tells us constantly not to be unequally yoked. If I date you, it's for a purpose, hopefully marriage. So if I am choosing to spend my earthly life with you, why would I not want to spend my heavenly life with you?
2. He is driven. My drive is big, so his HAS to match. I can't carry the load for the both of us.
3. He is goal oriented. I have goals that I strive for each & everyday- so my significant other has to have goals as well. Do our goals have to match? Nope (see #5). They don't all have to be long term goals either.
4. He is chivalrous. Hold my hand. Open a door every once in a while. Leave me notes where I can find them. DATE ME!
5. He is supportive. If I decide to chop my hair off, support me, Never tell me that I am incapable of doing something. NEVER. (you'll regret it)
6. He is honest. I have a lot more respect for the truth than I do for lies. Don't try to "protect" me with a lie, I'm a big girl. I can handle it- even if it hurts.
7. He respects his parents. If you disrespect your parents, how can you respect me. I know there are certain situations but the Bible still says honor thy mother and thy father.
8. He respects your/his purity. Respect me. My thoughts. My body. My heart.
9. He shows patience. I'm hard to love at times. Be patient with me... I'm worth the wait, I promise :)
10. He puts God first. God first. Family Second. Career Third. Everything else last.
11. He is reliable. Don't tell me you will if you know you won't.
12. He is trustworthy. If I put my trust in you, don't lose it. No lies. No games.
13. He is someone you are attracted to. Beauty isn't just on the outside, I have learned to look beyond that!
14. He is always willing to help those in need. Buy the homeless man a bottle of water- it won't kill you. And maybe God will bless you later!
15. He will pray for you/with you. I want to be able to hold your hand and pray. TOGETHER. If I ask you to pray for me, just do it. No questions asked.
16. He manages his finances well. If you can't tithe but can spend $200 on tennis shoes or video games.. "Houston, we have a problem!"
17. He has a good reputation. I know everyone has a past. We change. We evolve. BUT don't let that past follow you into what we have.
18. He is willing to work hard to provide. The Bible says "if a man doesn't work, he won't eat." I'm not your mom, I won't raise you! I'm not a gold digger. We are equal.
19. He doesn’t make hasty decisions. Don't quit your job for some quick get rich scheme. Or you'll be single.
20. He doesn’t have a foul mouth. Don't ever call me out of my name. EVER. Don't ever say something you might regret- because I'll never forget. Once the words leave your mouth, no amount of "I'm sorry's" can take it back.
21. He has good manners. Say please. Say thank you. Use "yes ma'am" "no sir" when applicable. Hold open doors for others.
22. He is willing to protect you. Be my "David".
23. He is always thinking on the bright side. Be able to encourage me, especially on my bad days.
Dear Future Husband,
Do these things && we'll live happily ever after. With ups. With downs. With highs. With lows. With good. With bad. But I promise, as long as you're fighting for us, I'm staying.
An outlet for me to express any and all feelings. Love. Hate. Happy. Sad. 100% truthfulness.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Who Is She?
"Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?" (Danielle LaPorte)
After I read that quote I began to ask myself that over and over. Where is that person that I used to be? Before I allowed the world to put me in categories. Before I became a "statistic". Then I marinated on this: I don’t think people love the real me.
I told myself I was bringing someone to Christ this year but little did I know that the most important person I would bring closer to Christ would be myself. How can someone else see what God can do if I don't show them. Now it's clear that all those times I wanted to die but didn't,that I had a purpose in life. 12 years ago when I stepped in front of that truck I didn't know think that I'd go through all these things that could help another person. There a reason God kept me. Now it's time for me to live up to that potential!
After I read that quote I began to ask myself that over and over. Where is that person that I used to be? Before I allowed the world to put me in categories. Before I became a "statistic". Then I marinated on this: I don’t think people love the real me.
They love versions of me I have made to fit in.
Versions of that they constructed in their own minds.
The simple versions of LaRonnica.
The easy parts of her to love.
Who’s going to love the girl that can’t stop crying?
The girl that hated herself?
The girl that lost control?
The girl that gets so sad sometimes that she can’t get out of bed?
The girl that shuts everyone out?
Who’s going to love that monster in me, who’s going to love me now?
If you don't like honesty, I advise you to stop reading now. Some of the things that I am about to say may be "too much" for you. A few weeks ago I decided to sit down and write a book, a testimony. I didn't decide this because I wanted to be on the New York best selling list or to make money. In fact, after meditating in God's word one day He spoke to me "what good is a testimony if no one ever hears it?" He was right. I've have been through so much and I'm sure that those things can help someone. So before that book becomes a reality, let me introduce you to the real me.
My name is LaRonnica. When I was 16 my grandmother died and my life changed in ways that I could never imagine. The day after she died I woke up and ran to her house thinking it was all a dream. Every step, tears fell. Before I made it there I stepped into the middle of the street- while a truck was coming. I closed my eyes and told God to take me too. He didn't. When I made it to her house, she still wasn't alive. That night I prayed that I didn't wake up the next morning. I did.
Fast forward a few months, I give birth to my son. Not one person realized that suffered from post-partum depression. So much so that one night I decided to drive my car into the other lane. A purple truck with a gray streak on the side swerved so that it wouldn't hit me. The person driving honked but kept going. I pulled over and cried. I yelled at God "Why don't you see that I'm hurting? Why can't you just end it now? Hell has to be better than this!" He didn't take me.
I never understood why God wouldn't just let me die. I felt that my life had absolutely no purpose. After my grandma died I refused to go to church. I refused to have faith in a God that would take her away and leave me here to rot. Years passed and never once did I pray. Eventually, I got back in church.
About 9 months ago I was forced to believe in myself again. I was forced to stop questioning why me? You're never truly aware of your strengths until being strong is your only option. You don't know what it's like to stand on your own two feet until your crutches are knocked away. Over the past few months my faith has been tested in ways no one could ever imagine. Each time I was forced to hold on tighter to God. Do you know what it feels like to be in a room with people, laughing and talking but still feel extremely lonely and depressed? I do. It feels like falling off of a boat and you're going under the water, coming back up, gasping for air, then going back under. All the while there are people staring at you- not helping. At first that idea made me mad. But then I realized, that's God way of showing me how strong I am. All I had to do was stop panicking and believe, then I could make it back to the boat. Then I could tell people my testimony of how I made it.

If I had of died that day I would have missed out of the beautiful things that God had (and has) in store for me. "The pain you've been feeling can't compare to the joy that's coming." - Romans 8:18
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
2014 is over and 2015 is here. Before I left 2014 I told myself that I would lead someone to Christ in this year. I don't plan on "changing" them- just leading them. God will do all the "cleaning" himself...
This past Sunday I sat in Sunday school listening to Sister Teacher H teaching and it seemed like everything that she was saying was meant for me. Then Pastor A began his sermon "What The Holy Spirit Does For Us (Romans 8:1-5)", again it was meant for me. I have felt sermons before but I've never FELT sermons before. Confusing, I know.
It was like the Holy Ghost was on fire inside of me. I can't explain, I just know it was an amazing feeling and I've been on a "high" every since. I felt the presence of the Lord and my Grandma Dorothy. Pastor said that what God wants more than anything is to be first in our lives. So during prayer I began to tell God that I was tired and that I needed Him- more than anything or anyone. I told Him that sometimes I feel hopeless, like I can't go on. I told Him that I didn't want to feel that way anymore. I told him that I wanted a peace. I told Him that I wanted to existing and start living.
Then I began to sing "Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary..." I wanted my heart and soul to be so full of the Lord that people didn't have to ask- they just knew. The Lord said "I give you life and I give it to you more abundantly." So why do we not serve Him the way we should. He wakes us up day after day. He watches over us as we sleep. Yet we still don't thank Him enough. We walk into a store and the person in front of us holds the door, we say thank you. We are reaching for something on a top shelf at Walmart, the person walking by grabs it, we say thank you. So why is it so hard to thank God in EVERY situation that occurs in our life?
Here lately, I've been so focused on how my life is and its not how I want it be. On December 19th my bank account was hacked and everything was stolen hours before I was supposed to pay for my son's bday party. I sat on my bedroom floor crying my eyes out. I was so mad. I yelled out "WHY? Why me Lord? Why not anyone else?" In my mind, I had had it. I was done with trying to be obedient only to get slapped in the face. I messaged my best friend and told her I was losing faith and I couldn't hold on any longer. Luckily, she knew what to say to hold me up. Not even an hour later people had bought the cupcakes for the party, sent me money for the party, got to the bowling alley, and people had paid for the party. I went outside later and there was $100 bill on my windshield saying that I had been a blessing to them so they wanted to be a blessing to me.
So many times we find ourselves questioning God and the things that happen to us. Over the past few weeks I have learned that instead of asking God why I am in a situation, I need to ask Him to shape me to be better because of that situation. I need to be able to accept the outcomes and know that it's in His will. Whatever it is God is asking me to put down, it's only because he's preparing me to pick up something even greater.
2015 will be my year. I have claimed it. John 16:24 says "Until now you have asked for nothing in my name: ask, so that your joy be made full." So I asked for things. Things that I may not get in the year 2015 but I know it's coming because the Lord can and will make a way out of no way!
What's on that list you ask? Graduation. Financial stability. A house with a huge kitchen and LOTS of counter space. Maybe even a husband :)
As for now, I am on a mission to lead people to Christ this year. Will it be you? Or you? Or all of you reading this blog, past blogs, or future blogs.
This past Sunday I sat in Sunday school listening to Sister Teacher H teaching and it seemed like everything that she was saying was meant for me. Then Pastor A began his sermon "What The Holy Spirit Does For Us (Romans 8:1-5)", again it was meant for me. I have felt sermons before but I've never FELT sermons before. Confusing, I know.
It was like the Holy Ghost was on fire inside of me. I can't explain, I just know it was an amazing feeling and I've been on a "high" every since. I felt the presence of the Lord and my Grandma Dorothy. Pastor said that what God wants more than anything is to be first in our lives. So during prayer I began to tell God that I was tired and that I needed Him- more than anything or anyone. I told Him that sometimes I feel hopeless, like I can't go on. I told Him that I didn't want to feel that way anymore. I told him that I wanted a peace. I told Him that I wanted to existing and start living.
Then I began to sing "Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary..." I wanted my heart and soul to be so full of the Lord that people didn't have to ask- they just knew. The Lord said "I give you life and I give it to you more abundantly." So why do we not serve Him the way we should. He wakes us up day after day. He watches over us as we sleep. Yet we still don't thank Him enough. We walk into a store and the person in front of us holds the door, we say thank you. We are reaching for something on a top shelf at Walmart, the person walking by grabs it, we say thank you. So why is it so hard to thank God in EVERY situation that occurs in our life?
Here lately, I've been so focused on how my life is and its not how I want it be. On December 19th my bank account was hacked and everything was stolen hours before I was supposed to pay for my son's bday party. I sat on my bedroom floor crying my eyes out. I was so mad. I yelled out "WHY? Why me Lord? Why not anyone else?" In my mind, I had had it. I was done with trying to be obedient only to get slapped in the face. I messaged my best friend and told her I was losing faith and I couldn't hold on any longer. Luckily, she knew what to say to hold me up. Not even an hour later people had bought the cupcakes for the party, sent me money for the party, got to the bowling alley, and people had paid for the party. I went outside later and there was $100 bill on my windshield saying that I had been a blessing to them so they wanted to be a blessing to me.
So many times we find ourselves questioning God and the things that happen to us. Over the past few weeks I have learned that instead of asking God why I am in a situation, I need to ask Him to shape me to be better because of that situation. I need to be able to accept the outcomes and know that it's in His will. Whatever it is God is asking me to put down, it's only because he's preparing me to pick up something even greater.
2015 will be my year. I have claimed it. John 16:24 says "Until now you have asked for nothing in my name: ask, so that your joy be made full." So I asked for things. Things that I may not get in the year 2015 but I know it's coming because the Lord can and will make a way out of no way!
What's on that list you ask? Graduation. Financial stability. A house with a huge kitchen and LOTS of counter space. Maybe even a husband :)
As for now, I am on a mission to lead people to Christ this year. Will it be you? Or you? Or all of you reading this blog, past blogs, or future blogs.
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