ago and having a very heated argument as to whether the parent
is to blame for a child's behavior. One guy said its impossible for
a child to do good if the parents do wrong. He blamed the parents
for how the child's behavior. I disagreed.
Looking back now, I think it is- to a certain extent. After all, the
Bible does hold the parent responsible until the child reaches a
certain age. Yet after that, can we (as parents) put it all off on the
If a woman is in an abusive relationship, and her children see this-
chances are they will see this as "normal" and think its okay.
The son will more than likely hit his spouse.
The daughter will allow her spouse to hit her.
If a parent constantly tells their child they are nothing-
eventually, they'll settle for being that. Nothing.
It starts at home.
A phrase I've heard a lot this year as a sub and ACE aide.We (parents) have got to stop being friends with our children and actually raise them.
By doing this, we'll become their best friends later in life- when it matters most.
If you're not ready to grow up and be a parent- allow someone else to raise your child.
It'll help them out in the long run!
As parents we are our children's FIRST TEACHERS.
Let's start instilling GOOD values in them NOW:
that way we won't have to worry about bailing them out LATER.
Can you be mad at the girl who sleeps during homeroom?
She stays up all night because her mom is being beaten by her new guy.
Is it fair to write up the boy who is always angry & full of rage?
His drunk dad stumbles in each night and beats him.
It. Starts. At. Home.
But does that mean it has to finish at school?
Hmmm... where do we draw the line?
Still a shade of gray!
Confession #: I never wanted kids. Like never ever. When I got pregnant I was afraid. So many thoughts running through my head and decisions to make... abortion & adoption were on my list. Selfish me, was not ready to give up the life I had planned for a kid. Yet when I held Avion for the first time, it pure. Something rare. What I needed in the deep dark depression state I had been in. Now, almost 8 years later I couldn't imagine my life without him. (yet he still gets spanked when necessary, believe that!)
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