Honestly, I did entertain the idea of counseling my senior year in high school. I said something about it once to a teacher- he mocked me and laughed. After that I never really gave it anymore thought. However she was right. I do have a lot to offer people. I have been through a lot. I haven't always liked to talk about it. For the most part, I kept it to myself. Who would care about the problems little ole me faced? Back then it never crossed my mind that somewhere someone else was going through a similar situation. Truth is, we all go through problems some times. I don't care how much money you have or how many degrees you possess. You may not publically go through it and your close family/friends may not even notice...
It's a very humbling experience when someone approaches you and tells you that you are a good writer and could do so much for others. I've heard many preachers talk about God given gifts and wondered what mine is. Maybe it's my writing. Maybe it's the fact that my shell has been broken and I no longer feel the need to hide or be ashamed of my past. Maybe all of those obstacles I faced was God showing me my TRUE strength. Maybe those things that left me crying in my bed some nights were SUPPOSED to happen so that I can testify to some other soul who feels just as lost as I did. Maybe becoming a single parent was a good thing because look at how hard it pushed me to succeed. Maybe I went through those heartbreaks so that I would be able to tell another girl that life goes on after he leaves. Maybe I didn't get that job because the Lord saw fit that there was something even greater for me.

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