Tomorrow Avi turns 9... his last year in the single digits. I am so proud of the person that he is growing into be, I can't wait to see the man he becomes. With the start of each new day he amazes me in a different way. He's smart, funny, handsome, and respectful. Before he was born I had no idea how you could love a person so much unconditionally. He is the ONLY person walking earth's surface that opinion matters to me. Because of him, I want to do better. He's the reason I get up every morning. He's the reason why I stay up so late at night studying. He's the reason I want to do better, be a better person. It's because of that spunky and feisty young man that I am the woman that I am today.
It cracks me up when people ask me about his biological father and I respond with "he signed over his rights". They always say things like "I couldn't imagine that..." Honestly, I couldn't imagine having him be in his life. Call me selfish but it's true. I have gotten to enjoy every milestone in Avion's life- without missing one thing. First steps, first words, first bite of "real food", first time he made a goal/touchdown/basket, fist time he made an A. I was there to see him get baptized. I get twice the the hugs and kisses. I get all of his cuddles. Nope, I couldn't imagine having to share him every 1st, 3rd, and 5th weekend. Never would I want to get him every other holiday...
That kid means more to me than I mean to myself. After God, Avi is my everything. If it wasn't for those tiny fingers and toes almost 9 years ago I doubt I'd be where I am today. Looking into his face makes me see the world in a much better light. I know, as well as the others he encounters, that he will become something great. He has more potential then some adults I know. I pray that he continues to succeed at each and everything he attempts... but even if he falls short I will be there shouting and cheering him on. Pushing him forward, because unknowingly he has pushed me forward. My wish for him is to never give up. EVER. To push on, even when he feels like he can't. I want him to keep God FIRST in all he does. I want him to continue to keep education a priority. I want him to stay in sports, to keep him out of trouble...
9 years ago I was given a second chance at life- no doubt about it. I was given a chance to "make it right". Every time the Lord allows me to wake up, I want to be better than yesterday, for Avion. Somewhere along this road while trying to teach him about life, Avion has taught me how to live. He's made me so proud in these short 9 years... && if nothing else, I wanna see him be brave.
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