Thursday, December 4, 2014

the fault in MY stars...

Last night I seen the movie "The Fault In Our Stars". Let me just say if you haven't seen it and plan on seeing it- get your tissue ready. I bawled for AT LEAST the last 30 minutes of the movie. I won't go into details however, the movie allowed me great insight to my current situation...

One quote stood out to me the most "“Grief does not change you, Hazel. It reveals you.”  How very true! When I first found about my diseases I grieved. Although it could have changed me, it didn't.  I wanted to ask God why but my grandma Dot taught me long ago to NEVER question God's work. At that age I didn't understand- I just didn't question Him. Now that I am older I understand more. I would be lying if I din't wanted to ask God "why me" because I did want to. I wanted to know why I try each day a better person and be more Christ-like and there are people who don't try and are in "better situations" than I am. But that's here. On Earth. And earthly gain are NOTHING compared to what heavenly gains are. For you see, in my father's house their are many mansion. If it was not true, Jesus would not have said it. But He did. OH BUT HE DID! 

Before I was born God knew this was the life I would live, He had it all planned out. I made a few pitstops (mistakes) I found my way back to that path.  What I want may not align up with what God wants, so I don't get it. I have to learn to accept it & be okay with His plans for me.

Maybe I was meant to only have one child and that one child gets so much love from me it's ridiculous. Maybe that's what Avi needs (only God knows). I remember three years ago God placing me in this school and me thinking to myself "really, an elementary school?" I told myself that this would temporary yet I am still here. A parent that I get the chance to make a difference in a different child's life every day. Does a "normal mom" get to do that? I get a billion hugs and compliments each day. When my students hurt, I hurt. When they are sad, I am sad. Isn't that what a "normal mom" does? So biologically I have one child, but for 8 hours I am a mom to numerous students who I view as MINE. I would protect them just as I would Avi. If they fell and scraped their knee, I'd fix, just like I would Avi. If they needed a hug, I'd hug them, just like I would Avi. Just like I would my own son!

The movie didn't end how I imagined, like my life won't end how I planned it. But the movie taught me that there are people out there that have it way worse than I do. The fault in my stars was me being upset and hurt about my disease. Although there are no cure for either, it's not life threatening. Yes, the pain is unbearable some days. But that pain means I'm alive. Someone else with a disease wasn't so lucky. I get to see my son grow up and have kids (I'll be a grandma, haha). Someone else doesn't get that. I get to see thousands of kids excel and do great things. And that, my friends, is my silver lining in this dark cloud of chronic disease.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


At my doctor's appointment yesterday she told me that my right ovary seemed enlarged and she could a cyst on it. All I could think of was great, another thing wrong with me. I'm laying there in my own world while she talks about my uterus being tilted so far back... until I hear her say "it's a component of the endometriosis". 

It took everything in me not to break down and cry. Then I did. There was talk about removing ovaries and a hysterectomy. Hysterectomy isn't something a 27 year old wants to hear.

How could an "invisible" disease have so much power over a person's life? People don't see the physical aspects of it, so therefore those with it must be exaggerating, right?


I wish that I was exaggerating when I say things like it feels like there's a knife scraping my insides or that it feels like little bombs exploding, like I'm constantly going into labor. Peeing is a struggle for me, which feels like a life long UTI.

You can't see my pain because I hide it Everyday is a struggle for me. EVERY. DAY. I lay in bed each morning not wanting to get up, not because I want extra sleep but because I'm hurting. I get up and I get dressed. I put make-up on. I fix my hair. I go about my day with the biggest smile. The fakest smile. I literally have to laugh to stop myself from crying. 
I'm constantly wanting to puke. 
My bladder is constantly full- but that's due to the other disease, interstitial cystitis.
My kidneys hurt. 
Sometimes I'm so bloated I look 4-5 months pregnant.
It's not that I'm gaining weight, because I haven't. 
It's actually a component of the disease. 
Those times I just lay on the couch "being lazy" isn't laziness at all.
Its fatigue- a component of the disease.
My "crazy hormones" aren't really crazy.
It's the medicine that I take daily to balance it all out.

Yesterday was different. I no longer wanted to hide it. I no longer wanted to be ashamed. That was the straw that broke my hypothetical camel's back.... 

11 years ago, I didn't want kids. ANY KIDS. AT ALL. My grandma died. My best friend moved away. I contemplated suicide. Then Avion came along and my world was changed (for the better). Now I am faced with the possibility of me never bearing another child. What will my future husband think? Would he still love me? Would he leave me? Would he even propose? 

I began thinking about all the people who have multiple children and barely take care of them. How is that fair? I am not a perfect mom but I am a damn good one. How fair that I get one child who I sacrifice for on a daily basis, whom I put his needs before mine yet people are having kids to keep a person around or for more food stamps or a bigger income tax check? 

How fair is it that I will be spending a future Saturday with the man who donated sperm to create Avion, along with all of his other children, when there's a possibility I can't have another? He hasn't even seen Avi in about 8-9 years but I've been here day after day after day. Yet I'm the one who's punished?

I pondered all of these things yesterday while I cried on my couch. Then I thought, 11 years ago I didn't want to be a teacher either but God placed me on this path. Obviously He knew this would happen. This isn't new to Him. When I get my own classroom I will love each of those students as if they're my own child. There's always adoption. There's always god-children. 

Although I don't understand this at all, it's not my place to question God or His plans for my life.  It hurts. A LOT. Thinking about it overwhelms me to the point that tears fall. I could sit here in sulk in self-pity but that doesn't change anything. I'm still going to be in pain. So even in the midst of all this confusion I still trust in the Lord to see me through. Proverbs 3:5-6 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge to him, and he will direct your path." 

When it's all said and done I'll have an even greater testimony that could change a life. No matter what I will remain 100% faithful to God and maybe my faith will lead another to Christ. So in a sense, I'm giving life- which is kind of like having a baby, right? :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Ram in The Bush

Last night I had a "come to Jesus". I told Him that I was tired. TIRED. Tired of everything. Tired of stress. Tired of worry. Tired of bills. Tired of struggles. Tired of obstacles. Then something amazing happened. Avion shifted in his sleep and it reminded me of my purpose. 

I laid there in tears because I had no idea how I was going to tell that kid, MY KID, that his mom couldn't afford for him to go to state with the rest of his football team. Sure, he'd understand. He always had, he always will. That's the thing about Avi, he has a good heart and an old soul. I constantly feel like I am letting him down and he constantly reminds me that "it's alright". But last night I was tired. Tired of letting that amazing young man down. Why should he suffer because his mom lives paycheck to paycheck? I told him countless times to go out their on that field and give it his all and his team would make it to state. They did. Now how could I tell him he could't go? How was that fair? So I prayed. I prayed hard. Harder than I have in awhile. 

The devil was working hard on me and my spirit but I asked the Lord to give me strength to fight back. I cried out to the Lord and told Him I know I can't do this on my own. I have no clue what I am doing. Being a single mom is hard work and I cannot fathom why He thought I was the right candidate for the job. Why on earth would God give me this remarkable kid to take care of without the means to actually do so? 

Then God showed me my strengths. Next month Avion will 10. He's had an amazing 10 years of life so far. He gets to go on a summer vacation each year. He's flew on a plane to Vegas. He's been to Mississippi and Florida countless times. He's had a great birthday each year and five days later a greater Christmas. He's plays soccer, football, and basketball. He's a straight A student and E in conduct. He has clothes on his back, shoes on his feet, and he's never went without food. He knows Jesus and we worship together.

God opened my eyes to all of that to show me that even though I feel like I am constantly failing my son, I haven't yet and that I never will. So what, I have to scrape up money for him to be able to participate in things- I still get the job done. God has always allowed me to provide for my son. Always. I don't have to worry because God always makes a way out of no way.

And that was my "ram in the bush". 

Friday, October 3, 2014

"it's not about the money, money, money..."

This morning a student's parent texted me thanking me for all I've done for their child. He said that I was a blessing to have around because his child looked up to me, felt "safe" with me, and knew I was there to calm him down no matter what.

That made me feel all warm & fuzzy! 

When I enrolled in college I had decided on teaching, then I changed my to criminal justice. For six years I lived, breathed, ate, slept the justice system. Then I got a chance to work with kids and realized that it was what my heart wanted. Teaching isn't for everyone. I hear people say all the time "I don't have patience for kids" or "I couldn't spend all day in a classroom with students". But I can. It comes naturally. One doesn't teach for money- there's no money in it. So if you're looking to get rich- don't teach! There's something buried inside every teacher that makes them stay up to midnight grading papers. That same thing makes them want to pull their hair out because they've taught little Billy eight different ways and he still doesn't 'get it'. It's that same thing that you see in that teacher's eye at the end of the school year when it finally clicks in Billy. Its' that same thing that those 67's they were inputting in the computer turn into 80's and 90's. That same thing that years later Billy comes back and shows that teacher a picture of his family and tells the teacher because of her he didn't give up.

There's no price tag for that.

I have spent a ton of money on students and I will continue doing it. For those 8 hours your child is in school, they belong to that teacher. You rarely hear a teacher say "my students", it's normally "my children". 

It took me a little over six years to hear that little voice inside of me whispering "you were born to teach". Don't get me wrong, I love criminal justice, I still read my law books "for fun". I love shows like Law & Order. But at the end of the day nothing makes my heart feel like it does when I see a frown on a student's face turn into a smile. That first year working part-time at a school a little girl was sitting next to me and said "Ms. McCurdy I really like you a lot, I wish you were my real teacher. You should be a teacher." I smiled at her and thought "I should, shouldn't I?"

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Heaven is for Real... For Real.

A week ago my pastor's wife asked me if I had ever read the book "Heaven is For Real". I told her I had seen the movie but never read the book. She handed me the book and told me I had to read it. She then went on to explain there was a "catch". Once I was done with the book I had to pass it on to someone else, as a saint challenge. I just finished the book. One word: amazing! The movie didn't do this book justice. Some parts of this book gave me chills. It opened up my eyes to a lot of questions that I've always had. I've believed in God for as long as I can remember. As I have grown older my faith "intensified", or so I thought, until I read this book. 

In the book after Colton had his experience he constantly told his parents about his experience in heaven. He was matter-of-fact with each revelation. How awesome is to know that there is Someone greater than us who already has our lives planned. A wonderful life if we just accept Him. Go to Him dirty and let him cleanse us? One part of the story a rainbow appears in the sky. Colton's parents call him outside to see it and he says "cool, I prayed for it last night". WOW! He prayed for it and got it. The Bible tell us that we have not because we ask not. So why would we not ask God for something, believe He'll give it and don't think twice or worry about it? 

I just told God that I wanted a God fearing husband to complete our family. Instead of going out to look for him, I will let God answer that prayer. I believe that He will send him to me. I can't wait!

When we are younger we tell our parents we are hungry and expect them to feed us, without worry. We ask for things we want, without worry. We went to sleep and woke up, without worries. We went throughout our day- without one single worry. Why is as we grow older and our faith grows we lose that worry free faith? Child-like faith. If you haven't read this book I highly suggest you go get it. savor it. The one I read has a guide at the back that I want to devour, however I am passing the book a long to one of the ladies in my class who told me a story of child almost dying while she was driving home one night. She had to stop her car and pull over giving him cpr in the backseat while his little body turned purple and cold. It brought tears to my eyes. Lucky for her, her son recovered. Three weeks later I was given this book to read and pass along... That's God for sure! 

I'm going to buy the book for myself, as well as for my son so we can read it together and both learn to have (and keep) that unwavering child like faith in the Lord.

Monday, September 15, 2014


One of the main reasons why relationships don't last these days is because we're too afraid to be be vulnerable with our significant others. Men are too afraid to show affection and love. Women are too busy trying to show their independence...

I was once (still am) the latter. I have this sense of pride that doesn't always allow me to ask for help when I actually need it. I want a man to know that I don't need him. That I can get by just fine without him. It finally hit me that a man wants to feel needed, as do I. I've always been too afraid to be open with people. So here's my vulnerable side because maybe, just maybe the man that's going to give me his last name will stumble upon this blog and read this post...

  • I'm afraid of the dark. Seriously. Those first few minutes before my eyes adjust after the lights go out are the worse (for me). And when I'm in the bathroom and turn the lights off before I open the door, I panic (because I think of "Bloody Mary").
  • When something is funny, really funny, to me and I laugh hard, really hard, I fart (gasp). 
  • I hate chocolate but I love white chocolate.
  • I hate being outdoors because I don't like to smell like "outside" when I come in... however before I die I want to have a romantic picnic under the stars- possibly on the back of a tailgate.
  • I like watching people sleep.
  • I'm afraid of failure. I think the world will stop and point.
  • I'm afraid that when I'm walking down the aisle on my wedding day that I'll fall and the back of my dress will rip.
  • I have always wanted to run into a guy's arm and have him pick me up then spin me around.
  • I want to sing duets with my future hubby on the highway.
  • I want to take goofy family photos.
  • I want to paint every room in my house a different colors.
  • I want to live in the country. With horses. And a pig. Maybe a sheep.
  • I fall in love quickly- but I hardly ever say it.
  • I like to be held at night- even when I say I don't. And there will be LOTS of times I say I don't want to be held. Hold me anyway.
  • When I have a bad day I take a long shower and cry. Hard. Like really hard- snotty nose and all.
  • I say I don't want more kids but truth is, I'm afraid that this disease (IC/Endo) will take over my life and I won't be able to... so I try to convince myself that I don't want them.
  • I used to force myself to throw up. No one ever figured it out. I even wrote a book about it. No one ever read it.
  • After I retire from teaching, I want to open up my own restaurant.
  • My favorite color is pink. And green. And teal. And brown but only in the fall.
  • My undies have to match my shirt or pants.
  • Blood makes me queasy.
  • I want my future husband to leave me sticky notes in random places. 
  • I want to learn how to tie ties so that I can tie them for my husband.
  • I'm afraid of death- not because of where I will go but because I'll be leaving Avion without a parent.
  • But the biggest thing is that I'm afraid that I don't have a soulmate... so the majority of those things won't ever happen....

What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man...

I'm taking another break from Facebook. I honestly think that God is trying to speak to me but the "noise" from Facebook is overpowering my stillness. Yesterday He said "I help those who help themselves, so should you". So I'm stepping back from those that I am constantly helping or putting effort into and getting NOTHING in return. Either they will miss me and put forth  the effort or I'll realize they were just another "season."

This morning I was in my closet grabbing shoes, looked up and seen a note I wrote (and taped) to the closet wall. It's more of a list of qualities I want in a husband. This has been hanging up for quite a while and never had it gotten my attention like it did this morning. I believe it was once again God speaking to me. You see, last night I laid down and began praying. I prayed for my family and friends. I thanked God for my blessings, asked for His forgiveness for my sins. I told him I wanted to be a better person for myself, for Him, for Avi, for my family, for my friends, for my Boaz-worthy future husband (if you don't know Boaz, go read the book of Ruth in the Bible). Then I paused asked God if there was something wrong with me. I contemplated settling for him and his happiness so that I wouldn't have to be lonely. So that I'd have someone to talk to each night before bed, someone to text me "good morning" or "just thinking about you, have a nice day". Why can't I just have "it" for once...

Rewind to this morning, as I am reaching for shoes on my shoe rack, and I see the "Hubby List". God was saying "Why should you settle for anything less than what is on this list?" I thought why in the HECK am I praying for a man who doesn't love me when I could be using that prayer for something else?! After all, the Bible CLEARLY says in Genesis 1:27 that I was made in the image of HIM!!! At the beginning of His Word, He says that (and repeats it). I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with that guy, those guys, or him... they are absolutely made for someone else- just not me.

I can't be unequally yoked with a man simply because I am lonely.  What kind of life would that be? True, I wouldn't be lonely, but would I be happy? Absolutely not. Maybe for a while but later down the road would I find myself waiting for the kids to go off to college so that I can leave that man I decided to start a family with knowing we were a match from hell?

Do I like being single? Nope. Not. At. All. I HATE IT! What? You thought I was going to say "oh yes, absolutely love my freedom of being single." Well then that'd be a lie and this honesty blog would be pointless. I once read somewhere that you should love someone so much that they feel free. So if you're with someone and you don't feel free- LEAVE. No, that's not giving you permission to go cheat (you should leave if you want to cheat) but you shouldn't feel tied down in your relationship. You should be able to hang with friends (and he with his) yet come back together at the end of the day/night and be at peace in their arms. I didn't feel like that in my last relationship (that's a later blog post).

So what is it that I want in man? Let me just tell you!
    • Goes to church (with us- his family)
    • Prays WITH me and FOR me.
    • Puts nothing/no one before us (besides God, of course)
    • Treats Avi as his own (or deal is o-f-f!!!)
    • Makes time for us
      •  at least one day/night a week
    • Wants to get married
      • not like tomorrow, or next year, but it has to be a goal for him.
    • Wants children
      • even if adopted (since I may not be able to birth more)
    • Has a degree
      • or is working towards one
      • eager for education
    • Own car
      • Doesn't have to be fancy...
    • Own place to live
      • No you can NOT move in with me!
    • Pays own bills
      • If your mom is paying your bills, what can you do for me? The bible says a MAN leads his household- not a man's mom!
    • Always has to kiss me goodnight
      • No going to bed mad.
    • Always tells/shows he loves me DAILY.
    • Compliments me on a regular basis.
      • Yes, I know my worth but it's nice to feel wanted :)
    • Checks to see how my day is going
      • Phone call or text
    • Goes to my doctor's appointments with me
      • Nothing worse than sitting in a cold exam room alone in tears
    • Love me when it hurts, that's when I need it the most!

I don't think these things are too much to ask for. I am willing to put in 100% to someone who is willing to do the same. When I love, I love hard. It's for real. It's pure. It's genuine. I expect that same love in return. Period. I can't settle. I won't settle. My Boaz is somewhere in this world being prepped by God specifically for me and the thought of that will get me through these lonely times.

...and the one good thing about this single life? It's easy for my oath of celibacy! 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

I need You now Lord

School started back this week- work and college classes.
It's been hard. Really hard. 

I've had to adjust to not having as much help IN the household as I have for the past few years. I spent the past few nights laying in my bed- in tears. Needless to say when Wednesday arrived I NEEDED TO GET TO CHURCH BECAUSE I NEEDED THE SPIRIT! When I got there I had a one-on-one session with my pastor. He is amazing! One of the first questions he asked was why it was so hard to trust people. My answer was simple (or so I thought), I said "because everyone has always let me down when I needed them the most... why trust?". Good answer LaRonnica.


Pastor came back with "So you mean to tell me EVERYONE in this world has betrayed you?" He waited for me to answer. (insert my confused look here) He went on to tell me that I'm building walls that are blocking blessings from God. For all I know God has sent someone (not necessarily relationship-wise) to help me but because I'm so hell-bent on hurts from the past that I'm missing out. Pastor explained to me that I have to let go of my past. If someone hurt me, call them out on it. Tell them how it made me feel. But don't hold the next person accountable for something they haven't done. I told him I automatically expected people to hurt me, that's life- right?! No, it isn't. He said some people, Godly people, will do for you and not expect something in return- EVER. They will do for you and won't throw it back in your face (ie: "remember that time that I did _____ for you?"). There is not one doubt in my mind that I have trust issues. And that's something that I am working on- slowly but surely. However, some people that I thought should have never let me down, did. Pastor told me to hold them accountable for that but at the same time I should stop expecting Christian values from a person who doesn't have Christ on their inside. WOW!

Which leads Pastor to his next question... how am I at forgiveness. I told him that I was getting better at it (and I am). Old me would have written you off and not thought twice about it. FOR REAL. Friends. Family. No one got a pass. You hurt me? You're dead to me. Period. I spent almost 5 years mad at biological father for something that he probably didn't even know I was hurting over- until I wrote him a 4 page letter and poured it all out. Now we are slowly building a relationship back and I can't thank God enough for that. My dad is now quoting bible verses to me, which NEVER happened before. I started praying for his soul, for his spirit- and I think that God is definitely working on that. I have forgiven people that I had grudges for and although our relationships aren't like how they used to be, I don't "hate" them. Love the sinner- hate the sin. So of course, I was feeling good with my answer at this point.... until Pastor asked me how I was at forgiving myself....

And that's when II felt the tears coming. I had to blink and scrunch up my face. I don't think anyone had ever asked me that so I was forced to think about it. REALLY THINK. The longer I though about it, the more I realized the one person I was the most upset at was me. Little ole' me. In fact I was angry at myself. I was pissed. This wasn't the life I planned for myself 15 years ago. How in the hell did I get here?! I told Pastor that I would NEVER question God but I was angry because I feel like I'm a good person, so why was all of this hardship upon me? He said "because you made a mistake, you got side tracked. You did it. But you didn't stay messed up. The Spirit convicted you because you knew better, so now you're doing better..." I told Pastor that I was still mad. I have a kid, who's biological father walked out and when he was ready to "come back" Avion didn't want anything to do with him. My son picked up a picture of him and had absolutely NO CLUE who he was. I laughed about it but deep down it hurt. Every day is a struggle. I worry. I stress. And my son doesn't deserve to suffer because of mistakes I made/make. I went on to tell Pastor that I was upset that I'm in still in school and not in a career. I'm upset that I have had one failed relationship after another, when there are people younger than me who are already married. I can't even get my kid a dog because our apartments doesn't allow animals. Where's my house with the big backyard that Avi can run around in with man's best friend? Where's my prince charming who won't give up on me when it gets to hard? Why am I living paycheck to paycheck? Why am I not where I want to be????? 
Pastor smiled and said "You are where God wants you to be!" Every struggle has made and will make you a stronger person. In the end you'll look back and say 'oooh, that's why I had to go through ____.' He told me it was time to forgive myself. Tell LaRonnica that she messed up. Forgive LaRonnica. Move on! Pastor told me there was nothing wrong with me having standards and not settling. The problem arises when I compromise. AND I'M NOT WILLING TO COMPROMISE MY CHRISTIANITY FOR ANYONE. I have to believe, really believe, that God will send me an equally yoked partner who will want the same things I want. Who will treat Avion as his own. Who will love God so much that it radiates from his soul. Who will love me the way Jesus loved the church (after all, Jesus did die for us).Who will push me to do better in all aspects of my life. 

I told Pastor that it's hard for me to believe in those things. It's hard for me not to be mad at me. I have faith, don't get me wrong. I believe in God. I know I CANNOT do this alone, I NEED HIM! Pastor told me that I have to take self out of it- completely out of it. There's no doubt that the spirit is IN me, but am I letting Him work THROUGH me. When people look at me do they always see Christ? Probably not because when things get hard I get down and that's when the devil gets happy. I have too much life inside of me to give the devil that joy. 
Not anymore. 
The devil can't have my peace. 
This world can't take my joy. 

Lord,                                                                                                                          8/28/2014
Today I am turning over a new leaf. I am coming to you as I am. Filthy. I know You accept me that way and You will wash me & make me clean. There may be times when I backslide but Father give me the wisdom to come to You for forgiveness and know that You will forgive me and will never bring it up again. Give me the strength to forgive myself as well. Help me to stop beating myself up over things of the past. Help me break down these walls, especially the ones around my heart, so that I can stop blocking blessings You send. Father I am sorry if I ever doubted You. It won't happen again. Lord I love You and I need You. I have not because I ask not- so Lord I ask all of these things in Your son Jesus name!

Your daughter,
LaRonnica McCurdy

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Its been awhile... Let's play catch up.

Summers almost over and it's been one hell of a summer. The one person I was sure I'd spend the rest of my life with is no longer in my life. It was hard at first, because we were friends before the relationship- so I lost a love and a friend. But if the past three months have taught me anything, its thatmans rejection is God's protection. He won't take anything away without blessing you with something better. Although I can't see them I KNOW my blessings are on the way!

After all of that you'd think I'd be bitter, but I'm not. Actually I've learned a lot about LaRonnica. First, (and this may be too "raw" for some) is that I tend to use my body to keep unnecessary people in my life. No need to go into detail, I think you get the picture. I feel like maybe if I sacrifice this, I'll get that. Maybe if I give him this he'll give me his heart. Did it work? No. It left me feeling empty afterwards. I also learned that I fall too easily. I allow people to stick around who should have been gone a long time ago. I move mountains for people who wouldn't throw a rock for me.  I will cross an ocean for people who wouldn't splash in a puddle for me. I gave and I gave and what did I get in return? A broken heart and empty promises...

At my lowest point I reached out to God and although I had no words in the beginning I cried. And like most fathers who see their children crying he comforted me. As the tears flowed so did my words. I told Him my problems. I told Him my fears. I confessed my sins and I apologized. He forgave me. He won't bring it back again!

I asked Him to prepare my heart, soul, and body for my forever love. How can He do that if I'm freely giving it away to someone who doesn't deserve it? Thus, my celibacy was born (gasp). I asked God to take me take self out of it because the flesh is weak. I asked Him to help me lose myself in Him so that when my Boaz comes along he will have to seek God in order to find my heart. That could be next week, next year, or ten years from now- however I'm willing to wait so that God can prepare me for that man and vice versa. Just the thought of a God fearing man (made especially for me) being out there gives me hope.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Endo Survivial Letter

Dear Parents, Partners, Friends, Families, Employers & Doctors:
We have spent the last years of our lives apologizing for being stricken with a disease we did nothing to contract, and we can do it no longer. We are asking - again - for your understanding.  We are not responsible for failing to live up to your expectations, the way you think we should. What you seem to fail to realize, is that you are just as much a part of the cycle of the disease as we are, because you are not getting the whole of our person and our capabilities.
We are not "lazy," we are not "whiners," we do not make the pain up "in our heads."

We have endometriosis.

We know that we look healthy on the outside, and that is sometimes harder to accept than if we exhibited the disease in our every day appearance. What you don't see is what our organs look like on the inside, and you don't see what living with it has done to our emotional well-being.

When we call in sick, it's not because we need a mental health day or to "go shopping." It's because we can't get out of bed from the pain.  Do you think we like letting our careers suffer?  Would it be easier for you to understand if we said we had cancer and looked the part?
When we get emotional and cry at the seemingly silliest things, or get angry for even less reason, it's not because we are "flaky women."  It is because we are taking drug therapies to stall this incurable disease, or perhaps it's because we have come close to the breaking point after dealing day in and day out with the pain for which there is no defined cause or absolute cure.

When we can't have intimate relations with our partners, it is not because we don't love you or want to. It's because we can't. It hurts too much. And we aren't feeling real attractive right now.

When you, our parents, can't understand that since you are healthy, we should be too, but aren't - try harder. We don't understand it either. We need your support more than anyone's.

When we can't go to family gatherings or accept social invitations, it's not because we don't wish to share in your fun. It's because we feel like pariahs. You are all having such a nice time with your children and loved ones - we can't remember the last time we had a nice time, or the last time we were pain-free.  We can't have a nice time with our children (some of us); because we were robbed of that chance before we were old enough to even care about having them in the first place. Do you think we need to be reminded of our battle with infertility by watching you and your babies? Or for those of us who were blessed enough to be able to conceive, do you think we want a constant reminder that we never feel well enough to spend enough quality time with our children, or worse - that we might have passed this disease down through our genetics onto our daughters?

When you married us, you didn't know that we meant the "in sickness and in health" part literally, did you? We bet you were counting on at least a 50/50 split of that combination, rather than the 90/10 ratio you got. You are our caretakers, the ones who drive us to and from our doctors, countless surgeries, and emergency room visits. You are the ones who hear us crying in the night and see us break down during the day. You are the ones who wait on us hand and foot after surgery. You are the ones that go for months on end without sharing our beds with us. You are the ones that deal with our infertility right along with us. We strike out at you when we are hurting and angry, and you take it in stride. You are perhaps bigger victims of endometriosis than even we are. You are appreciated more than words can ever say.

Don't give up on us now.

As a medical professional, we are coming to you for help. We are asking you to do the job you were trained to do and ease our suffering. We do not need you to tell us that we are imagining the excruciating pain we live in, or worse yet, that it is "normal for a woman to hurt." Keep up with your research, find the cause of this disease and better yet, find a cure! Stop taking the easy way out and drugging us into oblivion so that we will quiet down.  We want answers and it is your job to provide them. You were the ones that took the oath to heal - why do we have to try to do your job? Do you understand what it means when we tell you that we literally can no longer live a normal life and care for ourselves and our families?  We're not drug seeking; we're answer seeking.

Are you not up to the challenge to find the answers?

To those we have called friends all our lives, why have you deserted us when we needed your compassion and understanding the most? Do you see the selfishness of your actions? When we can't get together with you, it's not because we don't like you or we don't care - it's because we are no longer capable of enjoying healthy leisure time. Our minds are consumed with our next doctor's appointments, what surgery we are going to have next, and why we feel so sick all the time. This is not about you - it never was and it never will be. It is about us. Please try to remember what the term "friend" means.

Try to walk one minute in our shoes. We have fought a war for the better part of our years. We are faced daily with physical pains we can't understand and mental anguish we can barely cope with some days. We face a society daily that doesn't even know the word "endometriosis," much less the ramifications of living with the disease. We have to face uneducated and unsympathetic doctors who tell us "it's all in your head", and "have a hysterectomy, it will cure you", or "get pregnant, it will cure you", when we know that it won't and have been dealing with infertility for the last however many years.  Can't you see that?

We have to fight to get medical treatment that insurance companies don't deem necessary, or worse, we deplete our savings because aren't able to obtain proper care unless we pay for it ourselves and travel thousands of miles to the rare specialists that are few and far between.  We have to have surgery after surgery and subject ourselves to horrific medications just to be able to get out of bed in the morning. This is not a conscious choice we made, it was the hand we were dealt. It is enough of a war we wage just to try and live with some modicum of normalcy - don't make it harder on us by not seeing the reasons why.

Endometriosis is a disease that affects all of us.

Take the time to learn about it and understand. If you can do that, and you can join us in the battle for a cure, then we can one day return to our old selves and live a normal, pain-free life. We can have healthy relationships with our loved ones. We can stop taking the painkillers that numb our suffering to a degree and become part of the living again.

Please don't judge us and declare that we are all the things we are not - until you have lived with this disease ravaging your mind and body, you cannot speak on it.

Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger, someone once said. While endometriosis may not kill our physical body, it tries like hell to kill our spirit. It tries to kill every hope and dream we ever had of doing the things that make us happy.

All of us are out here searching for a cure to put an end to the disease...and we are holding our heads high in spite of endometriosis and fighting it every single day.

We are asking you to take part in that battle and work with us beating it.  Wouldn't it be nice to have back the daughter, wife, friend or loved one you once knew?

Think about it.

~The Sentiments of Millions of Endometriosis Survivors around the World~

Monday, April 14, 2014

Single... but not so ready to mingle.

For a while I've prayed to God about a lot of different things. A  month ago I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis (IC) and my mind has been on auto pilot since. One thing for certain is that I know I'm ready to settle down. Does this mean that I want to be married tomorrow? Nope. I've made a plan for my life and it does include being married (and maybe having another kid) by the time I am 30 (a little over 3 years from now). I don't want to rush into a marriage or marry just anybody. I want my Boaz. I could pray that God sends me someone who wants what I want. However, I'm choosing to ask God to fix me. To mold me into the person that a godly man wants as a wife and mother to his children. I want to be a total inspiration to those around me. I want to walk by faith- not by sight. I want to be so lost in God that a man must seek Him in order to find me. I want to be a Proverbs 31 woman. In order for me to do this I have to commit FULLY to Christ.

For the past three years I've shared my life with an amazing man. He's truly one of my best friends and a big supporter. He's been a terrific father figure to my son. We have had our shares of ups & downs- just like any other couple... It'd be nice to say "Great news, we're getting married!" But that's not the truth, lol. We are at two different places in our lives- going in two totally different directions. Directions that don't include the other. We BOTH realized that although we have love for each other, we aren't in love with one another. To continue on like this would be a waste. It's easy for someone on the outside looking in to say "fight for it" but it's not that simple.

Maybe I'm selfish but right now I want to fight for me more... Who's to say that after I become the woman God intends for me to be that we won't find our way back to each other (probably not) but no one knows what the future holds. I'm not looking to jump into another relationship. I want to work on myself for a while. I want to focus on the things that are wrong with me. I want to nurse myself back to health or at least feel healthy again. When the time is right I know the Lord will send the perfect man- made simply for me. It gives me chills to think of great He is and all He does for an undeserving soul like mine. To think that somewhere out there, there is a a soul who will fit perfectly with mine, all because God made him for me.

I'm inpatient. I cry a lot. I like to eat. White chocolate is my weakness. I don't like leaving the house without lip-chap. Sometimes I think I'm the most prettiest girl in the world, while other times I don't see my beauty. High heels & mascara make me feel sexy. I talk a lot and not enough. I'm overly-emotional. I'm anxious. I'm afraid of the dark. I love to be held when I'm feeling down. But most importantly, I'm trying to be better than the person I was yesterday... progression, not perfection.

Just because I'm single doesn't mean I'm lonely.
And just because I was in a relationship didn't mean I was happy.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I'm not being rude, I'm just being honest

Times like this I miss my grandma more than ever. I miss how I could call her up and listen to the best advice given- this side of heaven. I miss my dad... even though we weren't as close as we used to be, when I began to feel this way I could drive to him, sit in my car and cry. No words needed to be said, he understood. As he wrapped his arms around me and cried with me....

I tried.
Lord knows I tried. 
But in the back of my mind, I kept hearing "stop letting people walk all over you..."
I think I am more hurt than mad because it wasn't expected. I thought we better than that, but I thought wrong. I must say thank you, it taught me a valuable lesson: I AM NOT A DOORMAT (or an atm).

When I love, I love hard. When I give, I give freely. For the most part, I don't expect anything back in return. However, I feel that if I am there when I you need me- the VERY LEAST you can do is be there when I need you. NONE. Not one of my true family or real friends can say that I haven't came through for them. I have. I will. If I got it and they need it, it's theirs. I will buy lunch. I will buy dinner. I shop for Christmas and birthday gifts for them and their kids. If they need a ride, I'm coming- half the time with no expectation of gas. I go out of my way- even when I have no energy. All I expect is for you to be there when I need. Is that too much to ask? Am I in the wrong? It'd be totally different if you actually couldn't be there for me, but when I see you being there for others I wanna be like "wtf they do for you that I didn't?"

One thing that upsets me the most is being ignored. DO. NOT. IGNORE. ME!!!! If I am texting you or calling you don't ignore it. That makes me even more upset. If I am asking you about something (constantly) don't ignore me, don't keep lying- BE HONEST! I have a lot more respect for those who just come clean instead of beating around the bush. Then when I choose to go off everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. Maybe I am. Maybe I am crazy for allowing you to make a mockery out of me for so long. Maybe I am crazy for helping you. Maybe I am crazy for giving with a smile on my face.

I despise when a person tells my child something then flakes. Not because he NEEDS you for anything but simply because when the dust settle I am the one having to explain to him why someone didn't come through. Lie to all day, everyday. It doesn't bother me one bit. But when you tell a child, MY CHILD, that you're gonna do something or you have something for him then ignore him as if he doesn't exist don't expect me to "play nice".

Over the course of my life I have learned that family will run over you, take advantage of you, and downright degrade you more than a friend will! How sad? Then you wonder why I say if it's not my mom, Coco, or the boys I could care less... And some of you have the nerve to say "you forgot about me, didn't you?" Nah.. YOU FORGOT TO BE THERE FOR ME.

So when you get the "who is this" text or reach my voicemail don't be surprised. Don't be shocked when you get ignored. It just so happened that I pulled a you on you! Don't even be appalled when you get the "please don't ever call or text me again..." message. I've had enough let downs on my life and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let someone stay in my life who can't keep their word. ADIOS!

Monday, March 24, 2014

When God speaks, you'd better listen...

My Grandma Dot had this unwavering faith that I could never understand. When bad things happened she prayed. When she couldn't pay a bill, she prayed. When she was sick, she prayed. As I grew up and had complaints of my own, she would tell me to pray. It would get on my nerves because that wasn't what I wanted to hear. I needed answers and I needed them at that moment. Now as an adult I can finally comprehend that faith. 



There are times that every single thing in my life goes wrong- or so it seems. I find myself in deep though, deep fears, deep tears... deep prayers. God answers prayers in three ways:
I have a problem with waiting. We all do. But if there is one that I've learned is that in the midst of the storm, the Lord will send protection. That answer that I thought I needed will come in the form of a bigger blessing, if I wait. I used to tell my grandma that I had these uneasy feelings an she would tell me it was God speaking. I'd get real quiet but I never HEARD his voice. I was waiting for this manly deep voice to come from the skies and tell what I wanted to hear. That voice never came. It's been more of a feeling. But I know that feeling is God telling me what to do. What to say. Right now I'm fighting some demons and I know that if it wasn't for Him, I'd be losing. Some days are harder than others. Some days I wonder if the fight is even worth it. Then I get this feeling of security and I know it's nobody but God telling me "you're gonna make it." He gives his TOUGHEST battles to his STRONGEST soldiers. If He didn't think I could do, He wouldn't have given it to me. I believe in miracles...

You can spend your whole life running from situation to situation but when God speaks, you'd better listen.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Chronic Pain & Diseases

"Do you know what interstitial cystitis is?"

A question that I didn't have the answer to but would change my life. The minute I left the doctor's office I Googled and did some research. The hardest part? NO CURE. Two small words that left me saddened and speechless...

For years I have battled with severe pains in my pelvic area. Not the ordinary cramps that come along with the typical menstrual cycle. Cramps that have stopped me in my tracks and make me cry. Cramps that make the area from my belly button to my knees hurt soooooo much, so badly. Cramps that feel like I've been beaten with a baseball bat (in that same area). Cramps that feel like someone has my insides tied up in knots and then chooses to stab me over and over... and over. Cramps that sometimes make it hard to sit- and even harder to stand/walk.

For years I have put on a fake smile and tried to laugh through those times when the pain hits. Other times the pain is so excruciating that I get in my bed in the fetal position and cry myself to sleep. I try not to complain because I don't want people to think that I a crybaby or that I am weak. For years I had no clue what was going on inside of my body... NOW I DO.

Although there is no "cure" for IC, there are treatments. Treatments that don't work the same for everyone. I have to change my eating habits. No more spicy food she said. BUT I LOVE SPICY FOOD. "I can prescribe you pain meds" she said. I shook my head. I have seen first hand (not personally) what being addicted to pain meds can do to a person and that is not who I want to become. I don't want to be dependent nor addicted to them. After undergoing the majority of treatments that are available there's surgery. I'm not going to lie, the thought of be "drugged" and having doctors cut me open frightens me but the thought of living with this pain for the rest of my life scares the hell out of me.

To put the cherry on top my asthma is rearing it's ugly little head- bigger than ever. My doctor prescribed me a peak flow meter to monitor my breathing. I looked up my "normal" peak zone and I'm 35 below where I should be. Where is 35 below? A 60 year old woman who is my height.

And if that isn't bad she asked me if I was anxious? Of course I'm anxious. I'm a mother. Aren't we all? I thought that it was normal to feel like an elephant was sitting on my chest. She told me she could tell I was "overly- anxious". Whatever that is. While checking my heart rate (which was a high level and all I was doing was sitting) we had to stop and calm me down. How pathetic is that...

Actually it's not. I'm not pathetic. I'm not weak. I'm not a crybaby. I am being slapped in the face with the realization that I now suffer from a chronic pain/disease. One that has no cure... yet. But that doesn't make me any less of a woman. I joined this amazing group on FB with women who are going through what I am. For once in my life I don't feel so alone. So weird. This is all still new to me but I know that the Lord already knew it was coming and that He will walk with me every step of the way- no matter what happens. I was shocked at first. But now I know what to call it (although I can't pronounce it, lol). I now know that I don't have to hold my pain in or try to suppress is for other's benefit. The next time you hear someone complain about a pain or disease that you know NOTHING about- don't be so quick to judge because a lot more could be going on.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I Can Only Imagine

My social media fast has been going great. Seriously. The other night I found myself sitting crossed legged on my bed in tears. I bet you're wondering,  "how is that great?" Let me tell you...

I was so stressed out about my homework. Which is usually the time I'll get on Facebook to "chill out" for a little while. But then a little while turns into minutes. Minutes into hours. Hours into sleep. Yes, THAT bad. How awful?! I would wake up and realized I didn't finish my work and the next day I'd be rushing to finish before a deadline...

However that night it was different. I got into my usual stressed out phase. I began to feel fear. Fear that I wouldn't make the grade that I wanted. Fear that I would fail. I'm so close to this degree and I have never wanted something so bad in my life that I'm afraid something will go wrong. I've been waiting for it to happen so that internal voice will whisper "I told you so, it was too good to be true..." The harder I try, the more self doubt I have in myself. That night I closed my books. Closed me eyes... and called on Him. I took "self" out of the equation & I prayed. I told God I was tired of being so afraid- of myself. I was tired of waiting for the bad. I was tired of self doubt. I let Him know that I knew He didn't give me the spirit of fear but of wisdom. I told Him that in that moment of anxiety, stress, fear, confusion, and doubt I was giving this semester to Him. This semester and any that follows. I gave God my all, left it at His feet. I cried. Not my typical tears of sadness. These tears were of joy and hope. In that moment this amazing feeling came over me and I heard Him say "Let go and let me" and I did just that! As I sit here now, I feel those same joyous tears coming up inside. What better peace than that of the Lord? No other person could have given me that, not even myself. 

This third degree will help me in so many ways but it doesn't define who I am. It doesn't define my character. When I get to heaven He's not going to say anything about those degrees or my BPOC. He's not going to care what my GPA was. He won't care that I didn't make that A on that presentation. However, He will care as to where my faith lies- and it's ALL in Him. I have a wonderful support system with my family. If I have any questions, the staff at the school I work at are more than happy to help me. But NONE of them could ever measure up to God. He gave his only son for me. For you. For the world, for Pete's sake! Who else could have done that? Not me. If it was up to me sacrificing Avi, this world would have remained a dying world. I think about His goodness and it give me chills! Even when I am in the mist of self doubt, He believes in me. He knows where I am headed- even if I don't (Jerm 29:11). With him all things are possible (Phil.4:13). 

One of these days this world will come crumbling down. 
The dead in Christ will rise up to heaven first, then the rest in Christ shall follow. 
I don't know if I'll be one of the first or the latter.
 But what I do know that it's not you LIVE but how you DIE. 

I can only imagine what it'll be like to make it to heaven. 
I can only imagine what it will be like to see my Grandma Dot again.
 I can only imagine what it'll be like to never again feel stress, anxiety, self doubt, or fear. 
I can only imagine what it'll be like to never feel hunger or thirst, to never have to fight lines in Walmart. 
I can only imagine what it'll be like to hear Him say "Well done" & to bow at His feet!


Monday, February 3, 2014


My first day of my "Fasting For God" (from social media) went good. There were times when I was bored and wanted to sign in to Facebook to "browse" but I fought back the urge. When I woke up Sunday morning instead of getting on FB, I read and studied my Sunday School lesson. I actually had time to write down the answers to the questions from the lesson. During the week I normally get out of bed and go sit on the couch and watch the news while I am on (you guessed it) FACEBOOK. This morning I put the news on silence and studied my Bible plans then did some yoga. I wasn't so good at that...

It's only been a little over 24 hours and I have already been feeling better. I've been able to to talk to God freely without any distractions. No notifications while I am in church learning more about His word. It's been great. I know that He has so much more planned to me and one month won't allow all of that to come to light, HOWEVER it's a start.

I could have continued to make excuses and be upset/frustrated about my circumstances instead I decided to do something positive about it. I have came up with ideas to handle other obstacles I've been facing as well... I learned that I have to take responsibility for my own actions. I have to be held accountable for things that I say or do. Be held accountable for my thoughts. My actions.

In today's world accountability is lacking. Instead of parents allowing their children to deal with the consequences of their actions, they make excuses. Instead of giving the grade that is due teachers allow more time for students who refuse to do work on time.

How does that help?

What does that show them?

It does more harm than help.

I know that the life that I live isn't 100% perfect- no one's is (if you think that, you're in for a rude awakening). I made excuses in the past for things. I used the "so and so is doing it, so can I" excuse. But what exactly is that doing for me? NOTHING. Nothing. At. All. The only thing it's doing is making me feel okay for that moment, but when darkness falls...

I also know that I am trying. Trying soooo hard. I mess up. But I fess up as well. God doesn't want perfection, He wants progression. I can honestly say that I am progressing. Lord only knows the thoughts I thought 5-10 years ago. I chalk it up to being Him. ALL HIM. Lost is where I'd be without him.I don't need likes on Facebook or someone to double tap pictures on instagram to feel validated, the Lord does that for me!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Fasting For God

This semester definitely hasn't been the best. SOOOO MUCH going wrong. I could question God. I could give up. But I haven't. I'm not even sure why I haven't. I've cried at least twice a week for the past few weeks.

The very first day of school my dad was supposed to go to court to see about his case. I wrote him a long letter that I cried with each word. I sent it two days before he was supposed to go. Then I didn't hear back from him. NOTHING. I was afraid that the news he heard was bad and he had did something dumb. I was a nervous wreck. I kept it inside (what's new). Today I finally heard from him- court was cancelled but his faith wasn't altered. THANK YOU JESUS! The final lines in his letter "God is our refuge and strength. A very present help in trouble" Psalm 46:1

Avion started acting out in school. His grades dropped (but he's still a straight A student).

The drive to and from school three days a week is taking a toll on my gas tank. The way to school isn't bad. The way back is when the tears come. It seems so small because it's just a 20 minute ride but all of these thoughts come to mind and doubt sets in. Stress arises. Tears fall...

The school's fundraiser is here (which I'm over). The fundraiser guy said "you have to make the school at least $30,000 for it to be a 'good' fundraiser..." Talk about two weeks of pressure!

Avi's class Valentine's party is approaching- which I'm planning. His basketball tourney is coming, which means bball is coming to an end. Which also means that soccer is starting.

I've been struggling with my weight and other insecurities. Yes, I said it- INSECURITIES.

It's like I'm constantly on go, taking care of everyone. Making sure everyone else is happy. But am I? Not really. Not. At. All. So now I'm here. February 1, 2014. I have decided to go on a fast from social media- Facebook and Instagram. I tend to overindulge in those two when I am feeling down. Instead it's time I pick up a Bible or fall on my knees and pray. Don't get me wrong, I read my Bible and I pray but here lately those two have taken over my life. So for February I am focusing on my relationship with God- nothing else. If others suffer or aren't happy, so be it. I need to feel like I have a purpose in life and I'm not feeling that right now. I know that this month may not bring God's purpose to life, however I believe that He will show me signs. He will allow me to feel again. I haven't "felt" in a while. I've walked around in numbness. Sadness. Anxiety. No more! I'm a child of God. Why should I ever feel as if I have no purpose? I was made in His image. Wonderfully. Fearlessly. It's time I started acting like it again. I would say I'll write in this blog each day, but I won't. However during this month-long journey I will try to come back and tell you how it's going. I don't consider this social media because I don't indulge in it as much as the other two. Maybe when I have that "ahaaa" moment and "find myself" I'll write. Maybe I won't. Maybe I'll sit there in tears giving thanks to Him. Who knows?!

Monday, January 13, 2014

School's In

Today started out all kinds of wrong. Actually, it began last night. I began to feel anxious about today because I start my spring semester and have to drive to a different city  for classes. No big deal because it's only about 20 minutes.The problem arises when I am left wondering who's going to ENSURE my son does his homework those three nights a week? Who's going to make sure he cleans his room, brushes his teeth and takes a shower? Who's going to make sure he actually took his night meds? Then there is what is he going to eat, my sister can't cook. Don't get me wrong, I know my sister and mom are going to to take GREAT care of him but they're not me! No one has my touch when it comes to Avi...

He's on the spelling team for his school- competition is this Saturday. So with me having class until after his bedtime leaves me with only two days to study with him. No how the competition ends I am going to be proud of him! But deep inside I will feel like it's somewhat my fault if he doesn't place.  Thinking about that makes me want to puke! And cry. Then puke again.

I attended the police academy during the second semester of Avi's kindergarten year. That went on until the first semester of his 1st grade year. That was Monday-Thursday until 9:30-10pm and on Saturdays until 3 or 4. After that I started working at the county jail- night shifts from 6pm til 6am. That took it's toll on Avion and me. I hated that job because of the time it took away from my child. It made me a depressed and angry person. I was hateful. I cried numerous times in the bathroom at work. I felt as if I had neglected him and failed him as a mother (after all, I was the only "parent" he had). There were times where I didn't sleep for days because I'd get off at 6am, take him to school, watch tv, go eat lunch with him, drink coffee, go back to work, get off at 6am, go to his soccer games, take him for a victory treat, go back to work, get off at 6am, get him (and myself) ready for church, go eat, go back to work... I literally felt like I was running on fumes. I made it a priority to not miss any games, field trips, or class parties- and I didn't. But I was numb inside.
After getting a job at the school and becoming a MUCH happier person I vowed to never be away from Avi again....

But now I'm here. I get off from work at 3:30, head to class and be there by 4:30. Missing practices and some basketball games that occur during the week.Staying up all night studying and getting up at 5:30 (or earlier) to do it all again. Ironing uniforms and making lunches. Planning classroom parties and cheering Avi on from the sidelines in soccer games....

 I know that in the long run this is what's best for me, for us. I am actually looking forward to obtaining that degree in a field that I truly love with all of my heart! But something inside of me hurts. Something inside of me is sad. Something inside of me cries. The only thing I can do is pray that we both make it through this semester with our sanity. My child is smart so I know that his intelligence will continue to amaze me... it's me that I am more worried about. I take my duties as a mom serious, even more-so because I am a "young mom" and statistically I am not supposed to succeed. I don't expect anyone else to take care of my son, never have and never will. I don't like having to depend on others to help me. But as the Bible says "pride comes before a downfall" so I am pushing my pride aside and letting God work in our lives. I know that He has great plans for my life so I have to trust that. And I do. I just pray that these anxiety attacks go away or at least lessen up a little bit :(

Stay tuned... I'll let you know how this whirlwind of a semester turns out! 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Little hands make BIG impacts

When I lost my job at the sheriff's office, I felt like my whole world was ending. A month later I was given an opportunity to work with kids. After studying criminal justice for 6 years, getting  two degrees and my basic peace officer certificate I was unsure, but I needed the money and it was a source of income. Little did I know that the Lord had bigger plans for me in this job. MUCH BIGGER...

Over the past year and a half I have encountered some of the most amazing precious children EVER. I didn't think that it was possible to love another's child (outside of family) as much as I do these students. They make me smile. They make my soul happy. What started off as a job will eventually become my career. I don't think the students (or parents) know just how much I love them! 

Over the past year I have invested so much time, money, and feelings into these small people. By allowing me to help them, they actually helped me. Helped me get through a difficult time in my life when I felt unworthy and unwanted. But they've wanted me and at times "needed" me (and vice versa). I enjoy the "death squeeze" hugs they give, the never ending stories they share (that would go on for hours if I didn't stop them), their laughs, smiles, and faces. 

I've enjoyed the gummy bear science experiments, cupcake fraction lessons, shaving cream spelling quizzes and Thanksgiving feasts with pilgrims and Indians. I will never forget that and hope they never do either!

In December I had to tell them that I would no longer be apart of their day to day lives and that broke my heart just as much as theirs. I feel as though I am letting them down and walking out when in fact I am simply taking night classes so that I can become a teacher and possibly make an even bigger impact on lives. It still hurts...

My prayer for them is that they never give up on their dreams. I pray that the Lord wraps His hand around them and molds them into the some of the greatest adults ever! I see so much potential in each and every one of them and I pray that they see it for themselves. I cannot wait to see the amazing things they will accomplish as they grow. 

I hope they know that I will FOREVER be a fan cheering them on!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Two Birds, One Stone

2014 has finally arrived. I didn't make any resolutions because after a few weeks they are forgotten. However, I prayed that the Lord continues to work on me and in me. I pray that He helps me stay on the path in which He intends for me to go down... even if that means cutting certain people or things out of my life. 2013 was a good year for me but I know that 2014 will be better...

All throughout 2013 I prayed for patience. Let me tell you, that wasn't an easy prayer because the Lord really made me wait on things. I also prayed that He showed me my purpose. Often times I find myself so frustrated because I am not where I want to be but then I have to step back and take self out of it and realize that I am where He WANTS/NEEDS me to be. One thing that I learned in 2013 is that my writing has helped people. I have had people, stranger even, tell me that my blog post hit home for them or helped them. It made me feel good inside. So as I enter into 2014 I am praying that even with my busy schedule I find time to sit and write about experiences to give someone somewhere relief. I think it's fitting that my first post of this year be something good (because that's how this year will go, I've claimed it!).  What I am about to write about may make some people mad but I'm okay with that. It's something that has made me mad, angry, down, depressed, hurt, pissed for years. I've held those emotions inside, never letting ANYONE in because I didn't want to seem weak. I AM NOT WEAK. But if you keep something covered up, it never heals and I am ready for healing. I am ready for freedom...

When I was younger, much younger, my innocence was taken away from me by someone who very well knew better. Someone who was never supposed to cross those lines. You know what I mean by innocence, so I don't have to go into detail. After that happened I took that memory and hid it away, locked inside my mind with my mouth sealed shut. Years later someone (who went through that very same thing with the same person) brought it up. She asked if I remembered and I played dumb. I didn't want anyone to know, didn't want anyone to look at me differently. When my parents and grandma asked me about the incident (the "someone" finally told) I still played dumb. Never spoke about it. Didn't want anyone to know about it. I felt that in some way it was my fault. That my 7 year old self was to blame for him doing what he did. Truth is, it wasn't my fault, or anyone else's- BUT HIS. My only fault was holding it in. I should have told when it first happened. I should have yelled. I should have screamed. I should have fought harder. My grandma went to her grave with that lie that I told her when she asked. One day I found myself sitting in one of my criminal justice classes, in a discussion about molestors and I became so pissed off that I had held on to that secret for so long, that I had harvested so much hurt, pain, anger, hate because of that person. Then my anger turned towards my mom, my dad, my grandma, and my step-dad for not seeing what I had went through. They should have known, whether I told them or not. It took me a while to come to terms that it wasn't their fault nor mine. I was 7. I was afraid. I was confused. I was a victim. I was a child. I was not at fault. In that class we seen videos about a father doing that to his daughter and a guy asked the teacher why hadn't the child just told. I went home and balled my eyes out because it's not that simple. When you have someone tell you that if you tell on them they'll kill the one person that means so much to you, you tend to believe them, especially if you're 7 years old. Until this very day the mention of his name makes me pissed. I cringe. I want to throw up. I'll admit, I wanted him to die or at least feel some of the pain that he made me endure. He'll never know what I felt, not only that day but the years that followed. He's where he should be, where he can't hurt anyone else...

One of my ex boyfriends used to abuse me. It was never as bad as the stories that I had seen on TV or read in my law books, so I didn't think it was worth telling anyone. Nevertheless, it was abuse. He would physically hit me, as well as being emotionally and mentally abusive. I remember thinking I didn't deserve better and everything that was happening was somehow my fault or what I deserved. I fought back, but that only made it worse. One day I knew that I could no longer take anymore and left. I told myself that no matter what, no woman deserves to go through that. No woman deserves to go through even a second of what I went through. I learned that if he hits you once, he'll hit you again. If he calls you out of your name, it will continue. You will eventually allow that to become a cycle and unless you leave it will become your norm. I let the fear of being alone and raising my son as a single parent overpower me being able to walk away after that very first time. That's not love. A person who loves you will not put his hands on you. He will not laugh at your dreams. He will not tell you that you're ugly or worthless. He will not go to another woman to get what you can give to him. I reached my breaking point and left... you can too!

As bad as I want to hate them, I can't. As hard as it is to forgive, I have to. I walked around for years with hatred inside of me aimed towards those two people. While I was getting upset when someone said their names or I seen them, they were walking around feeling nothing. So who was really hurting by my anger? I was. I was getting flustered and hot headed by my lack of forgiveness, not them. Forgiving them is for me and me alone. You may not understand it, heck I still don't at times. But what I do know is that each night I pray that the Lord forgives me for my sins and He can't do that when I have no forgiveness for those who hurt me the most.
I don't want you to read this and think "poor girl". I'm not a weak person. I am not weak! I don't think of myself as a victim. I am a survivor. I could have easily allowed those circumstances, as well as others, dictate my life until there was no more of me left. I survived both of those incidents and I came out on top, or at least that's how I feel. I know that most people who go through those things succumb to much worse things, like falling into the trap of drug abuse, alcoholism, prostitution, or they end up with their abuser. Not me. I fought internal (and external) battles for years and by God's grace I won. I am finally free!